Alp E. Atakan
ERC Grant
Professor and Head of School
School of Economics and Finance
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
[email protected]
Research Interests
Bargaining, Search and Matching
Repeated Games, Reputations
Auctions and Market Design
Microeconomic Theory and Game Theory
Labor Economics
MBA and EMBA teaching: Managerial Economics, Competitive Strategy and Industrial Structure, Statistics
Undergraduate teaching: Competition and Market Structure
MA and Ph.D. teaching: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control, Mathematical Methods and
Optimization, Microeconomic Theory, Game Theory
Research Grants
ERC Consolidator Grant: "Market Selection, Frictions,
and the Information Content of Prices", 2016-2021
Tubitak Grant, “Sequential Debate and Information Aggregation,” 2014 - 2015.
Tubitak Grant, “Auctions, Actions, and Information Aggregation,” 2012 - 2014.